Category Archives: Technique


Recently we returned from a 2 ½ week trip of a life time experiencing the culture, food (oh the food…) and wonderful people of Italy. Being a photographer, I tend to look at every new excursion, every vacation, every field trip, as a photo opportunity; not as a participant. I vowed to change that mindset for this trip. I wanted to experience the trip as a person who may never get to do this again and experience every moment -not just be looking for that next great shot. In other words, I was determined to take snapshots to record the trip, not make photographs worthy of an art gallery. In truth, 99.99% of all my photos are NOT worthy of art galleries, but that doesn’t stop me from trying.
I not only learned a great deal about the country we visited, I learned a little about me as a photographer.

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New Year; New Goals

Welcome to 2017!

It’s a New Year and a time when many people set overreaching goals for themselves that usually fall by the wayside before the month runs out. I learned long ago that I will not lose 50 pounds before Spring; I will not exercise 4 days a week for an hour; I will not squeeze enough money out of my monthly budget to buy that new $1,500 camera. With advanced age, sometimes comes a little wisdom in knowing yourself and realizing you just should not set completely unrealistic goals for yourself. So, I set small, attainable goals. These are the ones you may actually have a chance to fulfill. Let’s talk about some Photographic Goals you can set for this year –and actually attain them.

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